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Policy: At SABAL University, we are committed to fostering global collaborative relationships in accordance with both national and international regulations and guidelines. We recognize the strategic importance of establishing partnerships with academic and research institutions around the world as a fundamental part of our commitment to educational excellence and the advancement of knowledge. In this context, the formalization of international agreements stands as an essential pillar for laying the foundation of effective and mutually beneficial collaboration that transcends borders and promotes academic and scientific development on a global scale.

Types of Agreements:

  1. Memorandum of Understanding: This type of agreement institutionalizes the relationship between SABAL University and another educational entity or organization, providing a framework for collaboration on research projects, knowledge exchange, and academic mobility. Its design and execution adhere to relevant regulations and ethical standards, ensuring transparency and regulatory compliance at all levels.
  2. General Cooperation Agreement: This agreement establishes comprehensive and diversified collaboration between SABAL University and an associated institution, addressing areas of mutual interest such as scientific research, student exchange, and the creation of joint academic programs. It is grounded in principles of reciprocity and mutual respect, promoting the internationalization of higher education and the generation of interdisciplinary knowledge.
  3. Research Affiliation: This agreement focuses on strengthening collaboration in research in specific areas of common interest, clearly defining objectives, responsibilities, and rights of each involved party. It is governed by standards of scientific integrity and ethics, ensuring the protection of intellectual property and equitable exchange of results and benefits derived from collaborative research.
  4. Double Degree Academic Programs: This agreement facilitates the creation of innovative educational programs that allow students to obtain a joint or double degree between SABAL University and an associated institution. These programs are designed with academic rigor and in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, offering students an enriching and globally recognized academic experience.
  5. Faculty Exchange: This agreement promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the faculty of SABAL University and their counterparts at associated institutions, through the teaching of courses, collaboration on research projects, and participation in joint academic activities. It is based on principles of academic excellence and cultural diversity, enriching the learning environment and promoting international academic collaboration.
  6. Specific Agreements: These agreements address specific areas of collaboration and may include initiatives such as cultural exchanges, academic internships, joint research projects, and teacher training programs, among others. They are designed flexibly to adapt to the specific needs and objectives of each collaboration, promoting innovation and sustainable development through international cooperation.

Our Agreements